Friday, May 13, 2011

Digital photography is better than film?

!±8± Digital photography is better than film?

Digital cameras have revolutionized photography, photography to record inspired a new generation of photographers. The efficiency and convenience of digital photography is wonderful, but the question is still asked. Which is better: film or digital?

I use film, but I asked if anyone knows if you buy a camera or a digital camera, I recommend almost always digital. The answer is not so easy when someone asks me what is "better" - film or digital?

L 'The answer is that what you mean by "better." The picture is too many people, so the merits of the medium depends on what is expected of him.

In my company (a gallery of nature photography), the most important criterion is the quality of printed photos. For me, the film still offers high-quality enlargements, even though the print in the darkroom, all but extinct. These days, I have a high resolution digital image from the film scanning and printing of my photos.This process gives me a better quality of extending a run of a digital camera. I'm talking about large areas - A2 and sometimes larger.

So why should I advise others to digital photography (if not already)? Simply because not many people earn their living by selling framed photographs. Let's face it, how many of us will ever print a photo larger than 8x12 inches (20x30 cm)?

These days, in fact, like many of us never get around to printing our photosall? The day of the photo albums in the past. Today, most photos will always exist only as digital files. We may share e-mail, Web sites you put in as a screen saver ... For many people the idea of ​​printing a photo is actually little more than a novelty.

So in this age of digital photography, the film has to offer? Well, not much, except for the high cost of developing and printing (do not forget, you have to pay any debt and the bad). Then there are thedelay time to register now and see the result. Finally, if you want to use your photo for a practical purpose, you must scan is likely to make a digital file in any case.

Thus, the digital photography "better" than film photography? In today's world, speed and convenience, so called. With the digital camera, all photos you like, without any real cost and see the results immediately. You do not have to pay for the photos that you want to print, andcan simply delete the images from the camera without success.

This is not to say that digital photography is perfect, far from it. I have already mentioned that your digital files are not as good as a movie for very large expansions, but there's more. The quality of a digital printing is a bit 'flatter than a photo printed from film. It can be a lot of color and detail, but in a way that is difficult to explain, it lacks the illusion of three-dimensional reality that you can getfilm.

In the past, most digital photographers would laugh at me for believing such a thing. I suspect that was because after having invested a small fortune in treasure their new technologies, they do not like their new toys were not perfect in every way. Today, however, it seems even the most faithful disciples digitally ready to admit that the digital revolution for all its advantages, has led to compromises in quality.

Is there a solution? Of course there is, and iscalled software. What image editing program that is used to "optimize" your photos easily to a standard that is so rich and three-dimensional printed as a photo slide. These programs have become a fact of life for many photographers, but not everyone likes or even knows how to use them. Then there are the grumpy old purists (like me) that a well exposed photo should be no extension does it feel to a standard.

What does this mean for us? Digital is betterlike a movie? Not for my purposes. For your purposes, probably yes. If your priority is not large, high-quality prints, it's really very little reason to stick with film (other than nostalgia).

If you are shopping for a camera (SLR or compact), to make it digital. Equally important is to take the time to learn, how to use it. The stock is still about focus, aperture, shutter speed, composition and lighting. The film vs. digital debate means nothing if the camera is always set to autofor snapshots. Oh, and do not know your computer ... you need it.

Digital photography is better than film?

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